We've been going for two days and everything has gone well so far, we have had a good head of work to keep everyone busy, plus all the fillers our regular volunteers have brought in. This is a mammoth task for Gill's Filler Sorting team so they have been kept really busy.
Fillers are very important to our shoeboxes and very important to the people who work all year to make them. One of these people is Beryl Moss who has made the most beautiful hats, all hand knitted, soft beautiful wool and the most delicious colours. The colours can only be described as "delicious" because of the candy pink colours and the soft chocolate browns.
Good News/Bad New/Good News
Good News is we have got the plumbing sorted out, we've grown very fond of Ralph the plumber, our regular visitor, such a nice guy and in a way we'll miss him popping in every day. We have to admit despite some hiccups we really like this year's warehouse.
Bad News, others like the building too and we have had a group of young (well, younger than most of us) business people in the building who are going to take the premises on. It's going to be a trampoline centre and will specialise in children's parties.
Good News they thought the building was so vibrant and welcoming because of what we had done they had to come back again today and bring their wives. As a thank you they brought three tins of sweets for us to share. Plus they are so impressed with our operation that they are going to support and advertise OCC when they are up and running.
QUESTION:Do We Ever Stop Being Amazed?
We've spoken about those delicious hats, here we have a beautiful hand puppet, something to play with and it could be something to love, it was soooooo cuddly
…. we are dealing with shoeboxes, and today we got a pair of shoes in, naturally a shoebox. They weren't mistakenly donated to us by giving us the wrong box as they also contained all the appropriate other gifts.
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