There is no doubt we have worked hard, there have been some super treats too. Like the day 70 doughnuts were brought in. Two of our team decided to bring in a treat, they both picked doughnuts and we then had loads. No one complained though and they all disappeared!
Lots of you have made cakes and biscuits, one of the favourites was Fruity Cornflake Biscuits, so here is the recipe:
5 cups of cornflakes
1 cup of coconut
1/2 cup of brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup of sultanas
1 cup of dates, chopped
185 grams (6oz) butter
2 eggs
Combine cornflakes, coconut, sugar, sultanas, chopped dates and sifted flour, mix well.
Add the melted butter and lightly beaten eggs, mix well.
Take heaped tablespoons of the mixture, shape into rounds, press flat between the palms of your hand.
Place on a greased oven tray.
Bake in a moderate oven for 10mins or until golden brown.
Cool on a wire rack.
Sounds yummy and almost healthy!!
Another Busy Day
However, today Monday, should have been quieter but we had nearly 500 shoeboxes in total with our collections and boxes we were able to make up ourselves. We have raised a good amount of money and we are very fortunate to have so many fillers. Our only problem at the moment is not having enough empty shoeboxes to fill. Our "wrappers" can't keep up, what a fantastic problem to have!!
Even the filler team rocked up to the work stations, checked and made boxes up .
Special Guests and Old Friends
Henry Tyndale School, who are regular visitors came to visit today, they are great supporters of ours and always come to the warehouse, always a pleasure to see them all.
Also Vera, came along. Vera (along with her daughter) were our treasurers up until 2011 and Vera is probably our oldest volunteer. Whilst she couldn't stay too long she did check some of the shoeboxes that came in today.
We always get new people too and this year Richard and Maddie came along for the first time, they already knew some of the team but they felt really welcome and have been almost every day since. They've been a fantastic help, Thanks guys.
Some Things Never Change
Whilst we are almost finished with our collections and checking shoeboxes we still manage to find some of the most fantastic and thoughtful things in the boxes.
Jill found these beautifully knitted bags in four boxes.
The container arrives tomorrow at 10am to be loaded taking the rest of our boxes and some of the boxes we have collected from the Esher warehouse off to Azerbaijan. If you can help with this loading or you simply want to watch the container being loaded, you are very welcome to come along.
Good luck with the loading. It would have been nice to some and see it but we're getting the last of our cartons collected to go to the Eastleigh warehouse today. It's been fun and inspirational to read your blog. There's always that combination of sadness and exhaustion when we come to the end of our campaign. But onwards and upwards for next year, eh?
ReplyDeleteyes, a bit sad now our lofts will be filling up again!!!! I hope you have enjoyed your few weeks as much as we have.